SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Two Services 9 & 11 am and LIVESTREAM (11 am) at BIBLECHURCH.LIVE

You Pick 3

June 2 - August 18

Step in the Gap this Summer

by serving in Kids Ministry @ CHBC

Did you know that many of our volunteers have been consistently serving weekly or twice a month in the classroom since last fall? We'd love to give them some well-needed rest this summer to recoup before jumping back in this August.

We are asking our CHBC family to PICK 3 SUNDAYS this summer to serve in the classroom from June 2 through August 18. You pick the Sundays that work with your schedule. We will plug you into the available slots from toddler-5th grade. If you have a special age request, just let us know! 

Just fill out the form below and our team will follow up with you.

Thanks in advance for helping our KM team enjoy some R&R this summer!

"If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God." - Dwight Moody